Our Fast & Flexible culture
…not only powers what we do but how we do it. These two simple words characterize a spirit of entrepreneurship that allowed us to achieve technology leadership and rapid network expansion in concert with amazing customer delivery.

in Execution
Fast & Flexible surfaces in how our organization executes to exceed customer expectations. It’s how we accelerated our deal process to get done in two weeks what most providers do in six months. Our Fast & Flexible approach is how – when a customer needed half of their seventeen circuits in five days and the remainder within fourteen days – we said yes…then turned up all seventeen in five days. No one can do things like that staying rigid and regimented.
Service Mindset
Flexibility at Windstream Wholesale means finding a way to do what makes sense for the customer. If we can’t monetize the right customer solution, so be it. We’ll still invest in the relationship for the future. We’ll use our construction resources to close footprint gaps for key customer applications. We stay dynamic and flexible because that’s what our customer need us to be.

High Speed, Low Drag
We’ve created a unique blend of business and engineering at Windstream Wholesale. That blend is built right into our organizational structure as well as our methods. So, the business itself is streamlined to eliminate waste and red tape and to minimize the distance between decision and action. Our “low drag” practices apply from solution design and our deal team to our engineering, deployment and network management.